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*Spoilers* Results From ROH's Second Episode of HDNet Tapings

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Episode 2 Results:

-Kevin Steen defeated Eddie Edwards. Steen took control early and did the snot blowing spot, but Edwards came back with some nicks kicks and locked Steen into a rear chinlock, then went to work on him in the corner and choked him on the ropes. Sweeney interfered behind the referee's back. Steen mounted a comeback by dropping Edwards groin-first on the top rope and nailing a cannonball in the corner for 2. Steen tried a swanton, but Edwards got the knees up. Steen turned it around with a superkick and enziguiri, followed by the package piledriver for the win.

-Sara Del Rey defeated Daizee Haze. Sara used her size to overpower Daizee to start slamming her off the top and hitting a vertical splash. Daizee came back with a flying headscissors, but botched a crossbody, which Sara saved with a blockbuster suplex and a backbreaker. Sara got Daizee in a torture rack, but Daizee escaped and hit a heart punch and a yakuza kick for 2. Sara missed a corner charge and Daizee hit...something, but Sara hit a rolling kick and the Butterfly Powerslam for the win.

-Claudio Castagnoli defeated Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne. Payne outmaneuvered Claudio to start until Claudio caught him in midair and turned it into a windmill slam. Claudio hit a gutwrench slam and a big bicycle kick for 2, and then followed up with a stiff European uppercut and a big power lift. Payne made a comeback with some token 80s enhancement dropkicks and a bulldog, but Claudio killed him with a pop-up 2uropean uppercut and the Ricola Bomb for the win.

-ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness defeated Jay Briscoe in a non-title match. Nigel worked the arm to start, then they did the headlock/legscissors/escape spot 3 or 4 times before Jay wound up with the headlock. Jay worked the headlock for a minute or two until Nigel escaped and hoit a hammerlock STO. Jay came back with a nice dropkick, but Nigel went back to the arm and hit a hammerlock DDT and a nice hammerlock over-the-shoulder throw. Nigel locked Jay in a cobra clutch, but Jay escaped, ducked a short clothesline, and hit a big boot to turn the tide. Jay with a corner clothesline and a big spinebuster for 2, but Nigel trapped him in the corner and hit the kick to the back/forearm combo. Nigel went for the Tower of London, but Jay escaped and hit a Death Valley Driver for 2. Jay went up top slowly and Nigel nailed him and went for a superplex, but Jay knocked him off the top and hit a top rope legdrop for a close 2. Jay went for the Jay Driller but Nigel escaped and hit the Jawbreaker Lariat for the win.


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